Wednesday 20 November 2013

Our Cafeteria/ Canteen

         A cafeteria is a type of food service location in which there is little or no waiting staff table service, whether a restaurant or within an institution such as a large office building or school; a school dining location is also referred to as a dining hall or canteen.Cafeterias are different from coffeehouses, although that is the Spanish meaning of the English word.
Instead of table service, there are food-serving counters/stalls, either in a line or allowing arbitrary walking paths. They are often found within a larger institution, catering to the clientele of that institution. For example, schools, colleges.
   On our campus the cafeteria is quite small but contains a lot of students who enjoy the delicious food they make. It is irresistible and hence is always found crowded.
         Time for lunch, the student has a chance to relax, eat a delicious lunch,and talk with friends…he/she wishes. Students have always looked forward to lunch
     In our cafeteria they provide meals that are high quality, nutritious and appealing to students and staff. They serve food that is safe, wholesome and prepared according to proper food handling and sanitation procedures.
            In addition t
he food service staff are dedicated employees, providing excellent customer service, making your concerns a high priority.

We have all sorts of snacks ,pastries and beverages one can take when in a hurry or is relaxing and studying. Although there is not much variety of food ,the meals are loved by all because the dishes are prepared in the most tasty way. Also not enough ventilation when it gets too busy because we still use fans rather than A.Cs.
      Our cafeteria is an opportunity to gather with old and new friends in a relaxed atmosphere.

Monday 4 November 2013


It is beyond controversy that the libraries are for the benefit of the people at large. They have to produce better citizens, hap­pier people and finally a better society. This belief has, of and on, been asserted in more detail by intellectuals. Our library furnish in­formation on all subjects, provide the means of self-education, stimulate continuous education to help men and women to parti­cipate intelligently in a democratic society and give an opportunity of reading for pleasure. If we were to look back to hundred years, we would find these ideas quite unknown to that age, but in the modern age, library, public or private, is an essential part of the educational resources of a nation. It has grown with the schools and the colleges, and share with them the numerous responsibility for helping GIJ to maintain and to promote our heritage, democratic freedom and opportunity.
Books have a great place in life. They arc out reliable and abiding companions in the pilgrimage of life. The friends of the flesh are parted from us but books seldom desert us. They give us both light and delight. There is a treasure which cannot be exhausted. The treasure lies before us, we have only to knock at the door. Hence we make all possible efforts to collect books of our own choice In order to make a good private library.

Our library is a treasure-house of knowledge. A well-stocked library which is an asset to the university. The  library has a librarian to guide and attend to the readers.
Books are kept and arranged properly which makes us look for a particular book easily. A member of a library can borrow a few books for a particular period and take them home. It is the responsibility of the student that no pages are torn. If he loses a book, he has to pay for the loss. Information technology has helped in improving the library facilities.
Books are man's best friends. They give him company equally in times of happiness as well as in times of distress. They are one of the main sources of knowledge. The best place for easy access to books is a library.
    A library is a place where not only books but also magazines, journals and newspapers are well-stocked for our benefit. Beside this one can also get the entire atlas, Encyclopedia, etc. to know even the minute detail of a thing. It is a treasure-house of knowledge. It helps the spread of education.The library is a popular place in the academic curriculum.
Here is a short video in the library space...