Thursday 26 September 2013

GIJ ClassRooms Style...


First of all defining classroom is :A room, typically in a school, in which a class of students is taught. At GIJ the classrooms are big although not as spacious as it should be it is able to contain a lot of students. Especially now that the new building has been put up,various classes have been split up into groups of A's and B's. The furniture consists of chairs and tables that is a desk to facilitate interactions. The class has comfortable areas for learning, and an open space for gathering.
                      On the walls are covered with students’ projects which is very emcouraging. This also shows an evidence of student collaboration ,obviously created by students rather than by the teacher. Students in the class are always eager and engaged in every activity. The sounds heard best are those of students exchanging ideas regarding classroom activities. And the lecturer as well, typically working with students.

We also take into consideration classroom behavior. It is possibly one of the most important things on the face of the Earth. Each day, good kids like us always follow our teachers rules so we can learn useful things to use in the real world. We do this because we realize the importance of an education, unlike the normal kids, who don't seem to grasp the concept of education. This plays a key role in our lives.      
  Classroom behavior also carries the responsibility of making sure that all work is completed. No one wants a bad grade to show to the colleges... or do we? But the most important thing is that a part of classroom behavior is being quiet and following the laws of the Institute.


 Regarding ventilation, we have fans although not all function but we tend to enjoy fresh natural air. We also seem to lack projectors during our lectures in class which needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. This is why we contribute and participate to make the best of what we have in the class. We use the microphones in class, for louder hearing during lectures because of our large number. Here is a short video taken in class before a lecture.

Mostly it is us the students that tend to make the class very fun and interesting, here is to prove to you how lively and active the class can get before lectures start.......
                Finally, here is a short interview with my very own close friend and a mate on her viws on the classrooms condition.... 

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